About The Bestseller Experiment

Hosts Mark Desvaux and Mark Stay
Fifty-two weeks.
Two Marks.
One Bestseller?
Welcome to The Bestseller Experiment
Could you write and publish a Bestseller in one year? That was the challenge our two crash-test authors set themselves in 2017 as they attempted to write and publish a bestseller in 52 weeks. Little did they know it would grow into one of the most popular writing podcasts on the planet with over one million listeners, countless awards including Best Book podcast at the Independent Podcast Awards, and The Bestseller Academy – the most inspiring writing community!
The weekly podcast features over 500 interviews and advice from the world’s most celebrated bestselling authors who have collectively sold over one billion books. We are talking multi-million-selling, chart-topping authors including Michael Connelly, Joanne Harris, Bryan Cranston, Ian Rankin, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Linwood Barclay, John Connolly, Joe Hill, Brandon Sanderson, Michelle Paver, Joe Abercrombie Maria Semple plus million-selling indie sensations including Shannon Mayer. We also have advice from leading lights from the publishing industry, agents, editors, online, social media and book marketing experts.
The Two Marks
About Mark Desvaux
Mark Desvaux is a life adventurer who loves big, crazy projects, a few of which have actually happened. Now a bestselling author, he writes fiction as Mark Oliver and Personal Development non-fiction. He is co-author of Back to Reality and founder of The Bestseller Academy.
Music is his other love as a bestselling recording artist (Urban Myth Club) signed to Warner. Mark lived out his music dream playing Glastonbury. As an entrepreneur he also built an Internet company and launched Foodshare, a UK-wide charity which teaches school children to “Grow to Give” in school gardens, sharing their produce with those in need locally.
As an eternal optimist, teacher and entrepreneur, Mark is fascinated by what is possible when you believe a dream can actually happen. He has developed courses with over 10,000 students worldwide and is founder of Music Life Coach. Mark is fascinated habits, productivity, life goals and dream as well as helping other build and achieve their legacy… as you will discover on the podcast and in the Bestseller Academy.
Web: 4000saturdays.com
Facebook: facebook.com/4000saturdays
Twitter: @4000Saturdays
About Mark Stay
On the other side of the pond, is fellow-Brit bestselling author and screenwriter Mark Stay. Mark has a five-book deal with Simon & Schuster (The Woodville series), and has written another four novels including Back to Reality (with Mark Desvaux) and End of Magic. He co-wrote the screenplay Robot Overlords” (a $21m movie with Sir Ben Kingsley and Gillian Anderson) and “Unwelcome” (Warner).
Having worked in publishing for over twenty years, Mark is an “author-on-the-inside” and has seen the beauties and harsh realities of the publishing industry. Star Wars ruined his life when he was five years old. Little did he know it, but the moment he saw the Star Destroyer come rumbling over the screen, he knew he wanted to be that… whatever that is!
As an actor, Mark Stay went on to run his own theatre company where he wrote his first play Unusually Tall Boy. Mark co-hosted the podcast for seven years and 485 episodes before leaving on a secret mission.
Web: Mark Stay Writes
Twitter: @MarkStay