Our very own Mr Stay was on the Quick, Quick, Slow panel at the London Book fair last week. He and fellow panellists — Justine Solomons, director of Byte The Book, Simon Appleby, director of Bookswarm, and Hermione Ireland, m.d. of The Académie du Vin Library — discussed the future of the publishing industry. You […]
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Congratulations to Bestseller Experiment listener, Lorna Cook, who has just hit #1 in the paid Kindle Charts with her debut novel “The Forgotten Village”. We are over the moon for you Lorna and glad we have been part of your journey to success! Every week we hear of more and more listeners landing multi-book deals […]
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Have you ever dreamed of writing a bestseller? Authors spend many months, often years, writing a book, only for it to sell only a handful of copies. What are the key components that differentiates a book hitting the bestseller chart rather than the bargain bin? The Bestseller Experiment started out as an idea for a Podcast on writing, […]
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Fifty-Two Weeks, Two Marks, One Bestseller? How do you write a bestselling novel? Author and screenwriter Mark Stay (“Robot Overlords”) and recording artist, coach and wannabe author Mark Desvaux start a year-long book-writing experiment to discover the answer to that very question. Guided by million-selling authors, publishers, online experts and the audience, these two crash-test […]
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