We are really grateful to have been referenced in an excellent article by Karen Heller in the Washington Post. The article is a fascinating read entitled: “Meet the writers who still sell millions of books. Actually, hundreds of millions.” Have a read here.
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Some of the NaNoWriMo team (from left to right): Marya Brennan, Katherine Gripp, Grant Faulkner (with Blobby), and Tim Kim. The team at NaNoWrimo have been awarded a “Lifetime Contribution to Writing” by The Bestseller Experiment in acknowledgement for their incredible service to writing. Half a million writers a year benefit from the amazing not-for-profit organisation who provide free […]
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A great interview and feature today in The Guardian with the Two Marks… The Bestseller Experiment: can you deliberately write a blockbuster book? Mark Stay and Mark Desvaux are picking up clues from publishers and authors in a new podcast, while they go about trying to write the next bestseller. Everyone may have a book […]
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We woke up this morning to a barrage of emails from people who just heard our podcast on BBC Radio 4 (Today). Quite unexpectedly we’ve seen the podcast go viral around the world in the last few weeks. Here’s the clip played on Radio 4: https://4ks_public.s3.amazonaws.com/bestsellerxp/podcast/2016-11-15_BBCRadio4_Bryan-Cranston.mp3 Listen to the full interview with Bryan Cranston here […]
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