Ep517 – Our Listeners’ Challenges and Triumphs
What better way to celebrate our 400th episode than by speaking to some of our longtime listeners and members of the Bestseller Academy who have faced their greatest writing challenges and come through the other side:
- Denise McGahan tells us about making the decision to commit to writing and how it changed everything.
- Naomi Floyd describes overcoming self-doubt, regaining confidence and focus in the process.
- Aaron Brooks switched from screenwriting to novel writing, and set himself ambitious new goals.
- Kate Baker wanted guidance for approaching agents and publishers, and found the support she needed and a publisher for her debut novel.
- Laura Regan needed to take her writing seriously and went from “lacking focus” to completing three books.
- Sævar Halldórsson created a lasting writing habit and found the self-belief to break through and get over the finish line.
In this episode you will discover…
- How to overcome your doubts and fears about writing
- How finishing something transforms you as a writer
- And how important it is to have a writing community
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Bestseller Experiment theme and all music from the podcast by Urban Myth Club (Mark Desvaux’s music project). Listen here.
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