Tag Archives for " Puffin "

EP93: Alex T. Smith

In the latest of an occasional series of reports from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference, we speak to bestselling children’s author and illustrator Alex T Smith… and Mr. D makes a big declaration! To hear more of this episode in our deep dive, check out patreon.com/bestsellerexperiment Our novel Back To Reality […]

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EP10: Robin Stevens | NaNoWriMo Success Story

Robin is the author of the Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries books, a middle grade series following schoolgirl detectives Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong in a 1930s English boarding school, but Robin started out on her bestselling adventure with NaNoWriMo. PODCAST Click to Tweet: “Write the book you would most like to read,” Robin Stevens @bestsellerxp […]

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