Tag Archives for " Random House "

EP111: Live Show with Ben Willis

Another special YouTube Live episode featuring Orion editor Ben Willis with contributions from our wonderful Patreon supporters! Ben worked in book publicity for Transworld and Headline before joining Orion, where he now works as a commissioning editor for Orion Fiction. If you want to get involved with our live shows, become a chart topper patron […]

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EP10: Robin Stevens | NaNoWriMo Success Story

Robin is the author of the Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries books, a middle grade series following schoolgirl detectives Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong in a 1930s English boarding school, but Robin started out on her bestselling adventure with NaNoWriMo. PODCAST Click to Tweet: “Write the book you would most like to read,” Robin Stevens @bestsellerxp […]

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