Tag Archives for " Books "

EP105: Ed McDonald, Dear Debut Authors

Ed McDonald broke onto the fantasy scene with his incredible debut Blackwing in 2017 and has had an amazing year. He’s living the dream! Then a few weeks ago he wrote a very honest blog titled ‘Dear Debut Authors of 2018’ in which he asked the question, “What next?” To support the show, check out […]

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EP101: Live Show with Emad Akhtar

Editor Emad Akhtar has worked with authors like Michael Connelly, Ian Rankin and Justin Cronin and was kind enough to join our live show and answer our listeners’ questions! To support the show, check out bestsellerexperiment.com/support Our novel Back To Reality is out now bestsellerexperiment.com/backtoreality   PODCAST In this episode you will discover… Common pacing […]

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EP99: Cavan Scott

We speak to Cavan Scott, an extraordinary writer who writes on licence, meaning that he is hired to write for licenced intellectual properties such as Star Wars and Doctor Who. If you’ve ever written fan fiction and dream of writing for a big franchise then you’ll find plenty of inspiration in this week’s episode. To […]

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EP97: Roz Morris

We speak to Roz Morris, a writer whose books have sold over 4 million copies, but until recently you won’t have seen her name on the covers because she is a ghost writer. Roz has written for members of the SAS, rockstar bodyguards, children’s fantasy authors and more. To hear more and support the show, […]

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EP95: Richard Morgan

Richard Morgan

We speak to Richard Morgan about his novel Altered Carbon and its long journey through development hell before it went on the become the biggest show on Netflix. And we look back on his incredible career, which includes fantasy fiction and comic books, and we look forward to his long-awaited forthcoming novel Thin Air. To […]

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EP93: Alex T. Smith

In the latest of an occasional series of reports from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators conference, we speak to bestselling children’s author and illustrator Alex T Smith… and Mr. D makes a big declaration! To hear more of this episode in our deep dive, check out patreon.com/bestsellerexperiment Our novel Back To Reality […]

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EP92: The Gingerbread Shortlist

  A special episode where Mr. Stay catches up with Sam Eades on the Gingerbread writing competition launched in episode 50, and speaks to the shortlisted authors, and we discover what it was about their writing that got them shortlisted… To hear more of this episode in our deep dive, check out patreon.com/bestsellerexperiment Our novel […]

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EP90: Ask the Two Marks

Braving snowmageddon, our monthly live show was recorded in London and Vancouver, with our audience of Patreon supporters. Featured listener questions include the secrets of metadata, author blogging, outlining, and crowdfunding. And there’s an update on Mark Stay’s book The End of Magic, which you can support here: bestsellerexperiment.com/endofmagic. To join us as an audience […]

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EP88: Unbound and The End of Magic

Mr. Stay has a new book coming! And it’s being published by Unbound Books who use a crowdfunding model. We discuss how it all works and how you, dear listener, can get involved at https://unbound.com/books/end-of-magic/   To hear more of this episode in our deep dive, check out patreon.com/bestsellerexperiment Our novel Back To Reality is […]

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