EP00: The Bestseller Experiment Preview

Welcome to the Bestseller Experiment! Join author and screenwriter Mark Stay with coach and entrepreneur Mark Desvaux, as they discover the secrets to writing a bestseller and challenge themselves and you to write, market and self-published a bestselling book in just one year. Each week, they are guided by and interview million-selling, chart-topping authors, publishers on the inside, […]

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How Do I Listen to a Podcast?

If you are new to Podcasts, we’ve put together this short guide on how enter this amazing world of brilliant content. A podcast is essentially a radio show that you get on the internet. You can listen any time you want so it is like having a radio station on-demand. How can I listen to […]

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Podcast Launching Soon

Have you ever dreamed of writing a bestseller? Authors spend many months, often years, writing a book, only for it to sell only a handful of copies. What are the key components that differentiates a book hitting the bestseller chart rather than the bargain bin? The Bestseller Experiment started out as an idea for a Podcast on writing, […]

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Welcome to The Bestseller Experiment

Fifty-Two Weeks, Two Marks, One Bestseller? How do you write a bestselling novel? Author and screenwriter Mark Stay (“Robot Overlords”) and recording artist, coach and wannabe author Mark Desvaux start a year-long book-writing experiment to discover the answer to that very question. Guided by million-selling authors, publishers, online experts and the audience, these two crash-test […]

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